Undergraduate Professional Endorsements

Show prospective employers you know and can do more!

Enhance your degree

The Undergraduate Professional Endorsement Program at Saint Michael’s College aims to 为你提供准备工作的机会,获得专业经验, 并在你感兴趣的领域获得证书——让你与众不同. Your success after graduation will depend on what you learned, but also whether you can set yourself apart from other candidates. 

你可以在体育教练、紧急救援、多样性等领域获得证书 & 包容和组织领导,以提高你的市场竞争力和你的 future career.  As a candidate for a UPE, you will take courses, develop a work portfolio, and learn professional skills to apply in your positions after graduation.  


  • You set yourself apart. 拥有其他证书的求职者比其他求职者更有优势——即使那些证书与职位没有直接关系, it is evidence of an eager and capable learner.
  • You get to pursue a passion or sample an interest你会在你感兴趣的领域学习和应用你的知识, potentially helping you define your future career interest. It is also an easy way to explore an area you are not sure about.
  • You will learn to clearly articulate your strengths. You will learn how your liberal arts education, 再加上专业证书,你会成为一个更有价值的员工,并且能够向潜在的雇主表达这一点.
  • You will learn transferable skills. No matter the focus area you select, you will be able to incorporate subject matter from diferrent areas, understand organizational management, professionalism, and leadership.
  • You will graduate with the tools to excel in a job search. 与职业服务团队及其职业准备计划密切合作, 你要制作一份简历和LinkedIn资料,告诉潜在雇主你的价值. 

Learn more by watching the video below:

Endorsement Areas

冒险运动教练认证可以让学生把他们的户外娱乐兴趣变成展示他们领导能力的徽章, critical thinking, risk assessment, and professional judgment. 获得这种认可的学生已经探索了核心教练流程, fundamental coaching skills and strategies, 同时培养对未来雇主有吸引力的专业技能.

Earning Criteria


紧急医疗服务的认可,让学生展示他们在圣米迦勒消防和救援队的经验, EMT的知识和技能,并为未来的紧急医疗服务工作发展技能.

Earning this certification will help to help to highlight the skills, tools and knowledge that a student can bring to a workplace, graduate school or any professional context.

Earning Criteria

Do you have experience as an RA? Did you serve in student government or on the board of a club? Those experiences help students develop strong leadership skills, 他们可以把它变成本科生专业认可领导徽章. 除了实践经验,学生将获得领导理论的具体知识.

Earning Criteria

如果你参加了MOVE项目,你可以把这段经历变成你简历的一部分. 获得非营利性管理认可的学生将展示志愿者发展的知识, grant writing and fundraising, as well as leadership. These qualities can help build a resume and appeal to potential employers.

Earning Criteria

充分利用你的课外活动,让你的简历得到组织管理部门的认可. 三门额外的课程,加上课外领导经验,你可以为你的简历锦上添花,让你在招聘者眼中更具吸引力.

Earning Criteria



有超过25%的圣迈克尔学生参加校队运动, 一些紫骑士有一个很好的机会来加强他们的简历与体育教练的认可. Athletic participation, along with coaching development and certifications, 在学生们开始写简历和寻找职业机会的时候,能不能给他们提供一些强有力的领导能力和专业培训的例子.

Earning Criteria

If you have worked for the College’s Center for the Environment, 有在农场工作的经验或对可持续发展有普遍的兴趣, you can work towards an endorsement in Sustainable Management. 学生将学习如何管理资源,在不损害子孙后代的情况下取得成果. These lessons can help you earn a badge that makes your resume stand out.

Earning Criteria

Change is complex. No matter the professional context, 有效的组织领导者拥有领导团队度过变革的技能和知识. 此外,他们可以管理冲突并减轻其对实现预期结果的影响. 如果你有兴趣发展这一技能,并将其应用于校园的各种专业环境, 考虑在管理变化和解决冲突方面获得本科专业背书.

Earning Criteria 

How it works

Students must be engaged in a co-curricular area such as Athletics, Adventure Sports, MOVE, the Student Government Association, Multicultural Student Affairs, Residence Life, Fire/Rescue, or other co-curricular areas are eligible for participation in the UPE program. 一旦学生确定了UPE课程,他们必须参加UPE核心课程,其中包括, an introductory course and capstone course. 在这些课程之间,学生参加一个高度个性化的发展轨道,其中可能包括额外的学术课程, training/certification through national certifying organizations, and e-learning. While each track is individualized, 课程和证书经过质量保证和专业相关性的审查. 

How to get your endorsement

Professional Endorsement Introductory Course

  • 一门2学分的课程:专业主义:全球化工作场所的理论与技能

Academic Course Work

  • One 4-credit course or combined courses equaling 4 credits, or approved MindEdge course/s that provide discipline-specific, underpinning theory.

Certification, Credentialling, Badging

  • Obtain a relevant, vetted, 并可获得(及时/具有成本效益)国家颁发机构的认证或证书, organization, or agency.
  • In areas where certification and credentials do not exist, or they are prohibitive for full-time undergraduates, use badging currently available at SMC.
  • 一个专业发展和高等教育的数字证书网络. Learn more at http://info.credly.com/.

Professional Endorsement Portfolio Course

  • 2-Credit course: Developing a Professional Portfolio
  • Practicum
    • 20 hours of structured practicum.

Learn More


Todd Johnstone-Wright, MSc., M.Ed.